Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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I T' yfasbUtgtou elty mostconspicuirar'SeatStiri the I bere Probably thirty to forty thousand CLOTHING I CTOV AND T1NWABE I I AV and wall Si 2LBEAT bTdUCTIOn'iNDRY VI GOODS I TATuTBJt CO URNACES 'il AND i i 4 face of fetfi or they must' if ihese fanatics not r't preril gotq pnbliq ficiiools and RANGES AT 325 Penn' avenue from UEL JgBTABLISHKD 1830 rodding ir nniier uiden No Corner of I I 1 vavutowuPj UU WflU aingi and what is worse no presents A 7 i ft who the guaxrauy axaiNs kmllxQ CUlttvation'Jsnper exeeUent and very hishnrieed tte black mailing detect I aaaa unpmssd in those of I wtila indiscretions committed before UNDER NATIONAL HOTEL dT'iU "DRY GOODS 11 Of Th i a A AM 0 A XI jj I Ir 8 i Notlonlx hereby given that the discount ron fbompt rarxKNT of bUlx tor ru consumed oa and after November 1 last until lurtber no tice wlllbe increased from IS to per cent CHAS It BaILEY nol dtdecl i i Secretary JUMBER WOOD AND COAL 1VA fall aifsirtf inn zn aSAa ww BEE roaSMtagof Pia Nnnth f'eaMlln Trt ijrx 'T Eastern and MauhVlSS Tg Cyyresx BMngtea laths! Pickets I plain and headed Cedar osta various lenatha ana IJreased lumber of all kinds kept under cover Walnut ak4 Ask and Poplar ttorouhlr i seasoned and first rate quality nlr Whkve and Shamoken Bed Ash Coals TBh well known1 White PU nd tn the yVJfSkMe our stock the which foot borcther with our wharf ttM cannot tome 2Ponsd WcHK'icdl by this pungent retort he the flftff With A iwinrr a kt a I rm closer within wkad homewnrd ach ivo 43 i wave i i I Pittaburg Pa iJil customers by haying bands of music piny in their stores I i COVKSX LBCTCUSS ON TBS II si HOIY I AND' 1S 1 Bv natknr RVTrpdnmr on BUNDAY Nov'? AVKDNESBAY Nov lOi andon BUNDAY Nov IMe at 'clock Engllah Synagogne Single tlekets good for either lecture 21 cents Course tickets! admitting Gentleman and lady ei Tleketsi to be had al the principal Bookstores 'i The lectures here will be presided over re 1' jwctlvely by Hon isher Bev Esmail and Hon Cox aoe St 4l rJH OYBTKR SUPPER AT ISlAND HALl November 4th and Sthfor the1 benefit of the sixth Presbyterian Church I Ji i i Adults 7i cents children ceata j'inofi lt i I fr TO THK WORKING CL We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant ern plojmont at home the whole of the time or for the spare momenta Business sew light and profitable Person of either sex easllyj earn from SO cents to $1 per evening and a propor tional sum by devoting their whole time to the business Boys and girls can earn nearly as much as men That all who see thia notice may send their adduces and teat the business we miaM this unparalleled offer: To such as are not well satisfied we wilt send fit to pay for the su11 ana ksn as ak tivuvtv writing yuu jjBmjuABrp tbihbuiu sample which will do to commence work on and a espy of the People's literary one of tbe largest and best family newspapers pub all sent free by mall Beader' if you wu pciiiiuBviu uiuniAuio miuxv id AllKN A CO Augusta Me a i i oetatm roti naik r' tA J4 jpon RAIsH OIMlBNT INflKORGK residence AMA rM 1 rhH Uriltjf gio gt hftY Iliff Tn bi MWMptad Ui i hr? years by Ki Mil running lotah IM iw Apply lo i r' TNMKknWhM ua No High street gwywAii VIRO1NIA AND Af Ntfflct irff number of gsD' Mills sciories bon pMHdrtas Mlitaral and Timber lands in tracts of SB sisVs st great bargains kivi ine nuiminf lou at low Ilnal VSi A Corner IMiventh and streels OHANSfcOUBT DISTRicfb OOWiT George Deufeb deeaaaed the executor aibresaid the approbatlon of the Orphans' county aforesaid appointed BaTUBD A Nqve tw 27 A ISM forthe finalettlement and 'distribution of tbe personal estate of said deceased and of the assets in hand ns far as tbe same have been collected and turned into money: when and where ell the creditors and heln of mid deceased are notified to attend with tnelrelalma properly vouched or they may oth erwise by law be excluded from all benefit in said estate: provided a copy of thisorder be published ones a week for three weeks i in the National Intelligencer and Washington i Express previous to tbe aaid day I a A Bnt 2 a A PCh Iaff 4 If! nol wSw Register of wjlUs M'fiMamrm''TSZ1 lne Wa a i MWllCCa 1 lubivkly job Nowreadv for inspection of the buMlc 'thel the country Arst ciase retail house In arrest aad 1 moat eammilv I 1 envoi xurswc nave ever received embmcTni Ninth rtkud Pn': tyver rerry a pry Goods Store VAlUABlfc HOUSE AND rXVf ONMTIKt wai ji ANDfclVENfu TITANTED NEW AND CAST wc hai VV UIXJTHING Watches DlaiaondaGuns sell In front of ilia premises at i ttmnJb 4 Mzt tba fbllowing dMertbed val sable i8AblelSeX9BL Store ef I vixr Half Lot No In Square No 5 havtaZ 1 ROBERT VIrTON C0 All Nlnth street front of 28 feet inches on the north side near Pennsylvania avenue 1 1 1 street between Sixth and Bevern streettwi! wvs'vrmnn w'' 1 1 1 depthof 101 feet 10M inches with the improv JXX7TA If AB MY AND menu which are a good three story Brick and JVV" Navy Revolvers Remington Pistols rame Mouse being No 432 with other neee2 Spencer's andSharps Rlfiea lnood sary outbuildings I OPTICIAN AND I we deem it unnecessary io say anything ria JKWELBY 8TOBE under the Nat tonal Hotel live to the location of the above described nronZ Washington oc erty as its Immediate proximity to tbe Post and I I Patenti Offices and Judiciary Square render it BUSINESS WANTED A Trr desirable i man in eaeh town and etty to manufacture Terms: One tblrd eash balance in and sell Weather Strips ud Rubber Mouldings I nd eighteen mouths the purchaser to rt ri Patent run out free to all rom filo to fiito I notes for tbe deferred payments bearing tote worth needed upon every building from SOO to I from day of sale A deed given and a deed (00 per cent profits Send your address Upon of trust taken" Title indisputable all envelope for full particulars and price I anctng and revenue stamps at cost of purchaser list at Materials ready to be put Sowetberro ffiSCO required paid down when the property 1 I REA BHADSTREe1 nolffi i GREEN A WILLIAMS oc12 2awSw I Box MS Boston Maas Auctioneers mcnaunr tlABVKT alohzo Mtn mark UNDERTAKEE8 NO 3 8 5 STBSBT aos Between NtaU taA 'r aMusmkts Spalding ARapley Lcsiets and Managers RIDAY EVENTNG November 5 ISM Benefit Of JOB And Last Night But One of the NEWCOMB MINSTRELS Grand Change of Performance AU NewBeaue tlfulandAt'ractlve JOE EMMETT In Entire New scenes and Bongs' SATURDAY NIGHT arewell Appearance of the NEWCOMB MINSTRK1A MATINEE ON SATURDAY! AT 2 MONDAY (irst Appearance of the Great Ij no3 2t SAMOALII TROUPE 1 AJ UWycenU I qpATTEBNB jpiUT 4 only 05 cent i jmx GPxlaba amatertatomade pp JJNDKBCLOTHING AlVi tVtA DttlktXB MABE TO GBDEB Death of the Richest Man in Th telegraph brings newg of the death of "England wealthiest eon Richard Groevenors Marquia of The" Grosvenors (Groa Venur) fire an anclentjNortnau iitnily' who have been settled since the obnquedt at Eaton In Cheshire Early in the last century one Sir Richard Grosvenor had the good luck to i marry Mollie Da vies the daughter of a gentleman of much landed property in the county of Middle sex apd in a few years ln cons4uanca of the tide of fashion setting westward tq und that this same' small landed estate was probably for its siae destined to be al most the most valuable in England It now forms GrosvenorSqnaro and theiiadjacent streets which constitute thembst Valua ble' localities of London Boms' eighty years ago about the time when George HI was making improvements at Buck ingham House nowi a palace which had been purchased as Queen dower house the swampy ground between) Hyde Bark corner and the Thames was offered him for £15000 Hej declined it and it was subsequently purchased by the Gros venors Many years after it came into their possession a very enterprising build er Mr Cubitt persuaded ths great bank ing house of Smith Payne Smiths to advance money to him foridrainage and building purposes and thus aross J'Bel which when the leases' fall in will probably yield the present Marquis of Westminster £100000 a year The New York Evening Post asserts that even this immense Income will be exceeded by that of the real estate now owned by William Astor of New York when thei long leases on which much of his property was rented many years ago fall in The in i come of Mr Stewart is also nearly as large and ls increasing much more rapid ly than that of the late Marquis A Mathematical Monstrosttv The Maconf Missouri) Journal is Informed by Gia ae "that he recently found at ayette a young man by the name of ields seventeen years old and entirely Ignorant pf letters i 6r figures who could inside of three minutes solve any problem given The numbe of flx seed necessa ry to reach to the sun allowing six grainfif flax seed to one grain of wheat and hirteop grains of wheat the inch: inwer OT 407 600 000000 given in two' mlnutei What would $3000 amount to in ten years compounding interest at 10 per coqt? This example he jworked in three minutes absolutely correct although ry of dtcimal frac 1 tlons What would a horse bring there being thlrty two nails in his shoes allow ing three cents for the first six for he sec raMI 4 a a a a I i vrovs A4SMC twuQiy MgyeD eignt yone and SO cn? This required thtrty twio distinct multiplications and run up into trillions yet he did it in three minutes These bxamplqs will suffice to show his Wonder ful power He is very ignorant on all other matters i never learned his letters and does not know one figure from another He is very uncouth in appearance and has no faith io his fellows He can do anything in mental arithmetic even) in complex i The T'kUE An eminent physi following story for the bene fit of yonng mothers He says: An intel ligent young mother Inquired some days ill ct preserve ber child a litien dean and sweet when changed frequently during the day I dk reeled her never todry it before the fire but is the nun and) open air if tbe weather Pjrmlttodi Yon thus not only avoid VAt lrof your rooms with the volatile and poisonous gases driven but of the linen but the rays have powers of cleansing and disinfecting which arti a preserve the linen) She followed my di rections but as tbo often the nracticA Her fastidious husband remanrtrqtyd hi vain against this unseemly exposure Be lieving that it she saw her practice hi rat nnra ba 4 A mL a wuuiu aesist ne so di rected their afternoon walk as to bring the nnrseiy window into full view from cen tral part of the town Stopping abruptly P010 the offending linen flapping conspicuously in the breeze and asked sarcastically: i i rschpoi I tion of mixed it' Li cannot afford jnivateachoou Hja chib ii dreh must dn this cam grow up in ignor 1 aiofi aktl thus' lose their chance in the I I 1 I It (Hdr children to private rl 'tanghterB 'and sonji 1 i a1 atswirjif'' ne LS Wtetlte I I Au Mt uie to th rues 1 schools a vral one He spEcrAL notices: THIS (ridsyl EVENING as xnMteroflm ponance will be before tbo society t' 'It ABRuSNANgec'y rag MBKTIMO PUBLIC ecHOOi teachers There will bee neetlnx of ell the Tesehcrs of ruiic reuwu vu hia i MoremoereesL at the hail of the Wallach School BoUd ln Subject for UlseaMton: Government and PunGhment Schools The parents of scholars and others Interested are Invited to be present it Superintendent Public Schools 1 i i h'j 1 THE AMMUAX K3Ef Convocation of Lafayette A Chapter No for the election of officers will bo held SATURDAY EVENING November Cth at 1 lEvery member of the Chapter Is re 1 quested to attend By order of the M) JOHN EDWIN MASON 1 noi 2t Seeretaty i I if he pleases £nt let him 'do it all i I his own race He is welcome to con 1 1 certs his parties' parades and what not' I I and to smell himaelf aml liia frlnnita Washington Georgetown find Alexandria for orderly and do not offend pub i t0 the nthor 1 Ito morals or depency we are glad "to see lied route agents only i Paicxs vox M41 One dollar andfifty have them among hia own people 1 tor three months three dollars for six believe he will be the bettor man for itj That he should be happy does not demand 1 of time paid jfor I ttort he shall annoy others So too1 Three edneation 'Let it bo tried upon 'him ABVEBTISING? Iby all means and if he can be Improved)ilinS i by it'we shall be truly glad of it Ths ex i ilta i i penne of these schools of hls own race1 will not' be borne by his own labor nor Xr of the white race The vi'haa JnrOGJKB NQC'ZAX JBftrf rrrr money really comes out of tho laboring 1 'fd4 'Tf i 1 the workingmen tho1 consumers Joy almost I who bear this great Government with certMaly a Joy and a I luxury waste extravagance and corrupt ire" I municipalities upon their broad shoulders hall pamed iJhej fionerbnsly consent eyen that ir mr Lincoln may airo be a good 0 taxes shal) be levied to educate theMtiAtoafiyanArcldioctiiral suo I blacky but go farlher require them topOr ky hla pecu I 1 their own loved little onesto herd poroon or or 1 with these negro and their re As I gponse wjn guoh tha wo ghall not haTp occasion to wait two days to learn the re LtoltelffffltiniBftftatiAa I 1 a i 41 yr 1 I VI LUQ CIOCUODB Xral VOQffrCSS 16C1S Perverted to Political objectalt becomes a I Isa he a 1 a I I'kJv i li ii 4' vi I BvVA auu Ufifcofthe two races if it dares We ars not afraid of the irsup immediatfilyAot Of the oil which ran doyn 1 jji Aaions beard buiofanotherand different Tho Government cannot or will not fi ximpoualtSgether qf an protect the people of the far West from unotion4which iuually goee smooth I depredation and outrages and as Jtofo elMtoratendintlkprofesAidn I Tj' VluUKCrB JQWLO Cue OI lDClD bitter partisan venom and 'meanness a selves and property At the same time i autjof humanity akeon attention the negro troops of Governor Holdsn in 1 1 4 IV 1 '4 T'? A HZ 1 I 1 ce? It may be very Carolina are threatening white e'eannot itnor caul nd infinltiug and outraging white One nW not be a Sir rederal troop xwa WP1 Aexao DOia wdhg ud colored tor Teazls to have his ifaispidons of I are kept there forno other purpose than I to assist in carrying the elections for the The iicene them is Lincoln a I Radicals Why not order these troops tobrowddind fashionable audience if our 1 1 the thousands who ro doiD2 nothing but cP ligat garrison duty in all the other Squth All verywell but what does that negro ern States There is not even the poor ex ft fithlans right nearto General Sherman7 and euss of Ku Klux outrages to keep them I it'JL I there Prohabfv thirty tn fnrtv aaSjUw tuv aj I tl il I and had tired of ordinary camp meeting he 'pay for' his'own 1 ticket or was the seat secured for him bv Jr J' 1 and carry elections? those who wished to cram tbe doctrine of negro equality dou $9 throats of tho Tha PbUadelphU Age QrBLt i dty to force them to tske the great American traveller is suffering Mio offices I saia irom a severe attack of ennuL i in the I been nearly a week at the I stupid without a sensation of any I no trips no excursions no wed fiSHM Alllt 1 14I A(l In OfStblf IJICTHBL COTTAGE OB SALE UH BENT NOLIn' COTTAGE and snr Hie corner of Nortnliol nd irvota Capitol Hill has been IhuroMSlily repaired improved and finished InMdaand Mntaida contains twenty rooras all Wall yenHlatit fire proof cellar flnevanltaau meroiia cUwcta UOnrr bath room knd years 1 HQJTETTER'B HTOMAi iJlTrngg the most plsasint and at thosainfi tluia tha ianil portion of the city aad surround ssswm mna renmamemm mo a a a a BamvivrB vlfriBgeUOUM 1 toital fiardea anil lawns all around filled'tofi no nylt evergreen and forresttreeo rhis residence is one square from the Capitol rounds and all the railroad linen in tbecltv with a probability that tbe Capitol Grounds wAl (tended to tbe front of the premlies all the bulldlnns most substantial and convenient well sopputd with rain water cisterns rotoasac waler and a powerful pump of pare sprlnr water and four private water hydrants for any use needed on tbe premises All of the above premises 1s well drained and supplied with Jul two CsmlUes wltonC any expense of fl I Itilmi lhdk mwffww a 1 a sman vusriiro rws uc Ug 1 ifiilffi in A row Hwwffi and vwwvvuivw Vm film tcred on Apply on the premises to I oc30 ltf JAMJga CRUTCHKTT TJ1OR TQ CLOSE BUSINESS i A In order to close the Nursery Business conducted at Ltnnresn Hilt by my late nuclei Joshua I'leree I will sell off at both wholesale and retail the extensive stock of Ornamental Trees Shrubbery Greenhouse 1'lants Ever greens inquiries may be made either at Ltnngean Bill orby addressing me throngs Post Office Box ocl2 eo2m KLINGLE Agent? GENTS OPERA I I '1' 1 1 OB rp ift OLDING HATS I 1 fl ruiftier 1 MASVBACTUBEP I I 1 anaanmg 9UC f' 1 james Davis Ju6' renna Axenu? oc30 eo2w WA2HIMOTOM cZ Witt is I IjISdILK Wat ffvY tAVehtAnatsla i 1 fihxn mb Bff niTkvaivizy i WTLTjTAlsr 3M Pennsylvania rojj and Clte Trertee T0HNtB COX POPE I IMPORTER Parisian NOVELTIES iL bchxxts mw aa as a Lair 0 raws wmwv aw we re re aarerea siiu ru 1 a re re wv wM re rwnnn 'oeA re rervre re ezssi list reis iy era ayette streets Baltimore Md GBEKN okwL 6 A ttoneora and Bert jWategftets I Southeast corner ns veto ana 1 a ValuablewbuildiM0 fronting 25 feet Inches and running lectio Pcbes deep more or Dm to paved alley: also a good ride alley sewlftr hack and frontmsklng a handsome building Terms: 1000 cash balance one two 1 and four years for notes beating Interest A secured by wdeed of trust on the premises 1 conveyancing and revenue stamps at th I of tbo purchaser plOO down on the day or rj' i GREEN I no( td 1 Auctioneer GREEN WILLIAMS An? 1 tloneers and Real Estate Brokers No I i Southeast corner Seventh anil Distreets 0 1 Ceatrs Market Npaee Are no receiving a SPLENDID STOCK DU GOODS? 1 1 Bought since the lain decline In prioea which I WDaUwr 1STthe twoto ainee I 5blM wtek and next aasongst 1 4 found a splendid stock of new I I Arabs and Loeg snd Square Shawls oert JOHNSON A COLLEY I MarkH Spaeei 1 I Have Just received another lot of auction DRY: GOODS CARPETS AND ft I Which they are xelUng CHEAP ocll Plain black Xlacab I Black Alpsrna Poplins 1C I Blsctwool ons I i 1 BlaekEmpms Cloths Blsck Tamlse Cloths txp ANDCOLORKD very low prices se2tf i NEAR SEVENTH BTRT I ii a nr 1 11 Nb OCSOvld 1 1 1 1 31 i i oil the Attention of our 1 1 UST RECEIVED tonr I Ai'nUnsfer Carpets i ft JHbnitet Carpets I Brussels Carpets I ft Tajteitry Carpets Three ply I Extra Tngratn Carpets ySuperflteTnyrai Carpets i I Si Elrtikt to i I attuiE LoomilBgrain Tery heirj) 1 4E Vienna 1 4 4 1 11 Dnujttt loor Idinan 'WtM r'iswk' VTETZEROTT HALL 4 I it SATURDAY MONDAY1 AND TUESDAY November 8th Sth and Sth i BDVANEXT i In bls Musical Melange entitled I "NINETY MINUTES IN KWEEB KOMi PANY i ii Song and Chi Chat with Sketches of XCentrlck i Admission Wards SO cents Kssh i I Doors Un Klseed at 7 Kommenceat noS (Herald It 4 Bwatwell theconfidenee Mau The Secretary of the Treasury George 8 Boutwell the eXtfitorokeeper In Groton Maesfichnshtte iejevl dently ap confidenceman of the first dees since he came to office we have? find monthly reporte showipg what ans extraordinary amount of the bonded debt had been' reduced within that 'month A stranger would think that by ttiir time it was nearly or quite paid off Such' ii the impression 0 many honest andfinsophlstocated people wliose confidencd yse iUan of Groton baa been deelroua of gaining 8 I iftf By a7 deortaroqeffiHLof figures whlchj never lie but whfeb pnder skilful use do a large part of the lying of the world Mr Boutwell assures us that since tho Ad ministration camo into power last March the public debt has boiih'decreaaed about $64000000 The cunning George 8 in his estimate mention the $62 000000 obonda issued by the Government for the Pacific railroad which the Gov ernment is bound to and lu all prob ability will have to pay I Theso bonds are as much a part of onr indebtedness aathe flve tWentiea are and ha vo also hitherto been I so included by former Secretaries Deduct them and tho actual decrease' of theidebt ln eight months of which we have heard ao much amounts to the prodigious aunr Of $2000 0004Thie is at tha rate ot $3000000 per year It wlll only require ait thia rate eight hundred years to be relieved of all our indebtedness" A pleasant prospect surely to contemplate' 1 As a commentary this poor cheat ing of the Grotoncx a tore keeper it may Keald that Abe thimblerig and ball ope lor swindlers are more honest than he Is To make a public expose of the wntcu is no expose which is a falsehood and a fraud for electioneering and parti san purposes is one'bfJ the' greatest outl ragc8and meanest cflines which a man can possibly commit He well deserves tbo name of the greainonfidence man ofthis Cincinnati Enquirer miscedTany 1 ri I Louisville has doubled in population since the war closed 1 The receipts of the Oregon State air were over $10000 county Sustains cloven newspapers" A Belgian newspaper publishes all its scaudais ln a supplement in Ltin I Engliatrsoldlers in Southern India are turning Musselmans ia raging among tho Indians near Council Bluffs The City of Mexico baa neither bank insurance office nor public library Boston complains about paying $180 per gallon for oysters and is about to strike for a reduction' to i The Galveston News reports that the negro troops lately landed arobehaving outrageously toward citizens' 4 The coal discovered Ini Leavenworth Iles only seven hundred feeV below tbe surface' Our trees are beginning to have a LydiaTbpmpson Bnrletque Troupe ap pearance it A great many bare limbs are visible A regro woman has recovered 8200 from an Illinois railroad! company for ejection from the ladies oar She intendsto make her living travelling on that road hereafter At least a dozen new wells each averaging from five to two hundred and fifty barrels have been struck in the oil regions of Pennsylvania daring the last month 1 1 A poor follow in San' rancisco un able to get work wrote a note stating that he'was going to "make application for a place as fireman to the and took wreenic 41 Mrek Twain says It ia a darling country to ItoeJnthat Hayti Board twb hundred and eleven thousand dollars a month in beat hotels and ice cream throe hundred dollars a fiatedr" A man in Cairo has invented a spring: to attached to the foor which a per son is reHovsBof the libor of walking to a great ertenlj Horlaima the hi I tion will enable 4 mant w7k tan miles An hour wlth'eaae lM sn Tn Tl WreBre arerel A a ft xnmion acres of land hare been taken tip by ao tual settlera under the pre emption and homestead laws alncA laat migration continues anfi among itha late arrivals is a colony of formers from Wis consin ThereisjU ItBpwsion that it also all the while intolerably cold it seems however that injJ868 of the 365 days 257 were perfectly pleasant and that ou tbe coldest day tbe mercury marked 11 degrees above zero the speakers a meeting in Cincinnati of the opponents to the nee of the? Bible 1 inthe public Schools bavins said that the perugaLoflt when a boy often made him blush a paper of the city advises him to read it agaln in order that be may enjoy that novel sepatie Russian count wheu 'h found a noted tenor vfoiMnr' wife akrly in tho morning took noble revenge than that of de Beaumont He made the singer ait Pino ami perfqn opera airs for live hours under the coverof bis pistol 5 Stockings grve Omaha credit of having the worst base ball club in the United States It takes three of them to pick up a ball and then they quarrel sev enteen minutes to see whOAhall throw It tothe pitener when the pitcher finally Lim geu his nose 7 Suez canal shows that aw am aza aw BUBHUWtilrt pAlft DUfo tWCDty feet deep therefore ih? steamer Aigle on WDiCtl the flmnrraiB lCtinnia iowi4 ing through it cannot makq tha passage as it draws more than twenty foot The Empress however insbta ou making the trip even if anew survey proves that a lighter vessel will be neceesar Six 1 thousand acres ofi orchard and I era an of Cali 8oW Jests' the public to sus In that rBSion about 20000 acres pend thot judgment on tho letters of Lady under management Byron to Mrs Leigh Hately published in rtr smaller ireame artaalan and nee I la Uielr proper historical cnnecflou stive wells and springs vKi'ir: in her forthcoming volume CBtM? QI" She can says: "One clerk in this couty gets bogBn Wisconsin cut her throat I more pay than the seven badges of the week and yijh ithe blood spirting Supreme Court of the United States I wound went to the bedside of her 1 GtffiarVaV0 fOT is consumptive invalid deuble'this are n8r bade him goodby She WMlnMne lady passed th'roughstl aul last Conoerping Jefferson Davis the? New w7tto bn Orleans says: "Mr Davis will caanot n'ler Po lblo dr 1 eral years ago in Braidt She bad married I camBtances' l6 induced to enter into he I I again and was widowed and the old love the day or accept any pogi I I i1184 B11 w7 tion llfe As to this he is con with hei first husbidT recancnition tent to be of the past as to works of ma Hartford Connecticut i the home of torU1 be desires to be of the I Mrs Stowe baa too much nd too many I Presenl't a Jk Thcy lirf la MHhy colony The bronze atatue of Bishop Brownell poae their invulnerable aknlli to the blows I Burnham of New York and io I clubs pitch the officers into the Unveiled bn the 11th instant was cast xt ii citizens ft HL" I na represents the Bishop in his When the military fired upon the EPIscoPal robes in the act of pronouncing riotous striking miners of Aubin rance benediction The statue is placed on a a woman who had her child in her arms granite base about fifteen feet high The fire MMrtS bails in the head and the fqrious mother A letter frqm Mursuk gi vesparticlars of inrninff hahr ani I al a i luarucr vi jb rftiuaia "Take it? rffifiln WoSf I Gernan traveller whose death Take it drink it! was announced some time ago It The lady leader of aqnday school I that raulein received two wounds fir4 lately a sabre cut on the right hand separating IS 1 the little voices mniA mreai I det to prevent her irom drawing her re noteSri At the close of the first verse this I TPlw which she always carried 1 to Jh her then a rifle shot in the breast fired I for high clto? Arab named Ulad bn Sil Of the started the'tnne on a lower key I Patch servants one iaa likewise shot andEr A New 'Orleans 'detective recently run through by a Tuaregg lance arrested an innocent man on thecharge of I The authorities of and the fijendi The onlvntft BtnVAWas Cl Aa'! LI i ww oomua piriBwwhere nnJ il 1 1 I wffum'TESd SSSJ te 25 wiii ret Iweeixitfik not intoxicate I mit marriage to cover the multitude i wTTTx A I woaiw zriOftiiB wbiffkAV I "ifc doea i'A aw KWsas tore irwat guomi au wagweewf I iTgi Wback th 'up by appropriate legisiatiim which shairaure tWend'they ia1 2 equbtityjand will force it on th whites if ft eanJftThey want amalgamationalsb itrttohEajlsed and Ey'thif' ti 1 dent to kwi BmalgamiatifflB: idiealrat of view ktheyinnmt begini by Uttie and 1 I TheI Ppobe ikst toltave the to ft Mcee well mixed up at thi theatres and smell but tM fiumtlcft xftther th odor epeciaUy a it seems to annov ineir wtfuld Prefer it tfilt mr II I' a Wf DOSO and fbr Iova CYdi I 1 1 4 41 v'fcsJi 1 ApfinswBglbag of the tha public schools to do away I with what they eon theprejsdiee ot dute and Here tarfeM xrort mrefoiij rni 01 run nire ever received etabruTkrn all Ike 1 4 i 1 mnrxri eimvr I 1 i 5 lL 1 I In every kind of er nltable'for I IBOUB MWTMtTCrtteSS? ALSO A GREAT VARIETY GENTS UR MULERS OAS 1 AP lcots Necm AND GLOVES i JAMES DAVIS ft ft 'HATTxnkxnnxniU 124 1 AVXXUX tjlALL STVTTB TT a tbti YOTTTt 1T rt oe eow Under Metropolitan Hotli HAT et to'? fohlonie Tni Hat acto street alx doors below Northern Market 4 oo iw Crrr Orrrcx Wxsr Wino City Hall 1 iWASHlXOTON October 30 1M9 1 hereby given that the TAXES OR THE YEAR 18G0 levied upon the Reni and Personal Property in the city of Washington on nod after MONDAY November 1st use Adlsconntf fl veper cent will be allowed upon nil nay maxis a a aLYv vember 1 i'AS Ingte with oe wlthi In addition to the regular hours allowed by iftio 1 1 Ai0 I1W thlfi AfflM Will ha aw aa a I 1J WWs 1 MIWMIl BIX tn isth of the rSKent omnfiT I Mreete Po Me to aceonunodate mesAante and laboring people who have taxes to pay lt day of ebruary 1W0 the Collector wtli close hla books and all property upon wMeli taxes are dee and nnpald on that date will be advertised for sale witbout distinction or person REDERICK A BOSWELLi i' no City Collector rSHf MANUSCRIPT NKATLT AMD oc2S lm Eighth strret webrt wg lanTx? A MEETING THE I Board or Trustees or 8t I maUOrnhan Asylum held the 1st 1 instant among other business was the following: Beqleefi That the President of thls Board wevaewvww sv fUUitSUtU 1U lUil 1041 00019 UIO amount of Income In the control or this Board aad the cost or maintaining the Orphan Asylum with the view to correct erroneous impressions tIe revenue and axpemee of tbe In furtherance of thtaTesolutIon Ihve testate that thfiininniit 1 tom number of l3ate dver IM aad Ute annual eost nearly 1X000 One means of meeting teopreM ing deSelenev will be the Orphanai41r to open Novembw 1st proximo at oarroll Hall and co tinue two weeks Downright poverty Is the only excuse against the orpfian'sapneali i BOYLETPreildent Waltzs Secretary and Trtaturer eo2w 1 examine oawa muMuum ua touaam a aaa a aa a i sh*tS EBOSOMED I routed at alow figure opo rcri? 1 enly0eenta ocU Sm The Dehiocracy of New York hnt now thb control of the Legislature and State office there is every probability that the Jong prevailing reign of fifflcial corruption in that State will cease It instated that the Radicals of enn sylvafiia Will have twenty five mnjority on jofnt ballot in the a gain of two in tha Senate and a less of four tn i the House ri I RobctoHa and Creswell have baen abfiap focklng' after political mat 1 ten ta' their respective States At all have gone Democratic the pilgrimage wee I nultllAVlfr t6to I I I MtaWAMivusiW AlUtMl iy rr9 1 Governor Bullockf Georgiais carpet ifio wp aongside rf the negro children I bagging if to humin Massachusetts Urthieidirtids vilMtJand moot demoralized I His Southern subjects hope his visit mny I i This dilemma for the poor I prolonged I keenly does 'otit Radical en 1 I I 4wftuirMta4 iitii I irl i ne paaryiand Legislature Every ooun 1 full andicoDfiptete conetituted ae they are ty in the State gives a Democratic ma inorallyJ They will tall you that for the I Jority I i ii Irishman ci German to talk about refits I ft I IhgtoleihU chndren MSate with negro ii i fc'C ft I LvB GrftDt bfts better of I ft Impudence that argument He never gave isk an office should tfo rojrake and punished in the in iK ft jj terestaj of itne humanity that Jhe re I Ex Governor Peirpotot was elected to ofraceisafoet decayiiig prejtl 1 the Legislatureof West Virginia last week I 'aW that really the toegtd Is a great fa Mai county a deal better and more loyal man than the I aL ft I I i I An interviewer abroad who went to I vle Irfeh a the German CarB Pearl and jonndi hor lolUn On It is very plain Ito ns that this question tigre akin fringed with gold in a mag i of social equiilltyof the to tscee Is' to be Biilcenfc salon hnng with crimson velvet I aays she I jf looked a UtUe above tbeinedlam befabt I1 aidoMfe a great man no stopping 1 of women hv 1 1 I I I I I i I 1 to touwto AUU 11 Ky Iplhbe short bf haaven Or Wehave brown full? and lustrous wu looped in i seka theeiinahcipation of theblacks'And the back of her head a almost ikstlntly afterward their admte mall iion toiUlfcilot ad to theoffioeftrourd Pend ti is long oval diamond ean rings and on alto with targe of the her enewy neck was bung's necklace of ftwMtee snd'M bar to the Irish 1 pearbshells interwoven with diamonds i ifaq n1 jhd Germn7 and the 8candinaTiq I XQrth a ransom Her Arms I betore they can" iJecoma dtirerux ft And ler ii wtag' mingling at the thefitres concerts amuse 1 thing pink in the apartmenUand at her i ments ofj public con veyanees and I watat wax plain thin ceinfure of gold i pnMio scKooIaH The next iMUfiafterthat fie without hoope which I an to advocate and promote amal I tistic pxof*ckion On the different fingers gamationl Indeed fifthepfesent demand bothhaida were rings of topax sap hi for hfixek schools and toclal equality bei amethyst and opal 1 I by 8011 She had Crim I recognized and admitted amalgamation 8Hpners embroidered in old and in willftfollchr as a natural slid easy conae 1 her right hand ahe waved to and fro ij qbenle tn 'suchcSM tinge' of yellow I J11! Qostiy feathenM Her voice will be nb disadvantage at all in Radical I WM loud aharp and her gestures unlady I i bit I 1 outioijajiy lapsed into a masculine free 'ft ft 'x i v'" vMwaatoM tou xrxwvn nxrvx a i a axx ana aamto rxx iirwiiv to wiw vna A to as to wetueMBvepor a vulgar and uniffiris 1 i I namina oounterfeit 7 tawiiw'jltaiandtit*Unia aorweasternlhim $25 for "exnenrex Th ent a caravan jsrtlJtai prtuWroe and ttav the etna of the I Vinrfnlajit ia renortM are now mniiUwl i expenses The only otft 1 uv a I in 1 I i its OUguz on vTsxtea I II JUAM I flrt 1 NAIIthwasi AOMl to to toff Otototo aWlwa to "I a torhto to I towtow wv wvaawa vs AVUHaliaiUA MvCnUe TLTB GR ADYCOBNERPENN I I nd Eleventh street 'rVfnpANTO1iUViln5 SALE IMPROVED PROP nrday iLl TaMtlraaTUha Vot win ERTY ON TENTH STREET WEST BE please teturn them and take bls own 1 TJEEJL MARYLAND AVENUE AND ft A EXPERIENCED IN 1 By virtue ore deed of trust date the loth dr Teaebtnx wlsbee to obtain a xitaaUtaa in 1 October lass sad duly recorded In Liber EC rexsuy Iler course of Instruction coimtrlsec 1 etc one of the land records ar the usual Ensure branches with rench Music? I Wasblnaton eouniy and District of Colom bm Drawins and ainting Address i I ndby direction or the party secured there'n Dtae MORTIMER 1 nH ell lai public aurtlon oa the premUL I oeiS tawtw RWbdy ofNOVEMBERlTO i 1 7: 1 rMall that certain piece or parcel ofland yi Ahonreu xtolngtenLi MOjynnsylTanla nxmbered seven 7) and eljrht iAln avenae ws WEDNESDAY from II A tn nnmlxredi three hundred and and eiehtr ntl' £JS: Carles (3 ae tbe retd Lota und Squire sSu A Y( except WedneedsyOfromf andderortbed apon the around pta 4 planar i HA teSPM oeZl tf ridclly bealnnlnx for the said pjru it a I Una of Tenth street west distant so i i 1 i nortlTeevenUirfoeinniandhtsrerz' ADONA pSyAEeteVSdS n1 CePtaot HlU Every description of dresses I tlw defend 1 "21 taction of oell lm stamps at cost of purchaser 100 to tat lilt 1 I I nil I the day of sale and if the termi of hate i a 1 complied with within Sri from 4 7 ia wwetotoiM i wwrej awm res uam vcieuthiug pUrCuOf few EfTVfROOMS AND ELEGANT pnlifstarf 17wV xi AVaANTLYURNISHEDROOM8lnsulteor I A THOMAS BRADLV i slngte with or without BOARD Board first I 7 tth central Ifcatlon and I COOPER LATImek' good neighborhood Also an Offied for rent Re I rnoS eodAds 8tkr i Auctioneers ns Hawn ms van assn witoaa astos a sea to ur Lad at 3 street between Ninth and Tenth south side ncdktt IJ 's 1 1 SALE Oi jo I Wtototo to to to LAND IN HAMPSHIRE COUNTT 13 ORB TWO PARLORS (eommunlcatinr or slnxlel with or with I WEST VIRGINIA i PurfURDt tothe nrawlHlniK ftf rfna nr lT21 TWA rHAMW I executed by Wm Moberteon toThomAiA Mit rtnvvt AfeatJ al taltoS1 ordermade on the sth October i roanty1 wl'A VnS SJrtMted WmpsUri H0ULDER gEAM I ft 1 I Tuesday isth day of November 1 ft I LmmI In Hampshire county Wfsi YOKE Thrall Mede to order (wholesale aad retail OBILY 91350 PER HAL DOZEN I PurchM money payable In sd 1 1 INEST DRESS SHIRTSWlfiberhkirahzSn OBe Iear after ftdate with in INE 1VHITB jHllCTs7uiperurdmteaVat I ta2dtU 04 by deed of trust on the ft ANDREW KEBCHRVAL SHIRT AND fJOLLARTMTANU I Uor particulars description Ofland Ac 1 iJEL' I Iftar tone by letter addressed ao I 5 ACTORY Hampshire county West Virginia! A 7 1 ATSWIr I ROMSXT WXBT VA Uct A rc9 ilw 31 Estreat one door east offierenth street 1 11 qct wsw OPTICIANS i 2 'g 41 ft aid gxprrsg meat As for jhe negro we pre not iiik ft 1 I posed to curtaitThia' rightful enjoyments RO Member 5 I869 I ana pleasures We only ask him not to PVWLwitKb He i ii i ii ij (Kxc rr BtrxoXT V1 Uke win4 from the Bouth o'etj a AT 203 PENNSYLVANIA AV Between' Ninth and Tenth str IH £wVr 'ft I i "tf 1 ft BRAZILriraLZA' 1 EVEOLA8SKS te aay 0U1crklnd by their brilliancy treneperency hardness and coolnrae i tending to improve innd te strengthen the Im paired eyeslgnt Manufactured and rerefnlJy sotted by RANKLIN A CO i yptlelans R44t renn avenue ft Between isth and 13th streets 1 MOpelTi GlasseS' Telescopes Mleroecopps htreoseopes and Views Matlie I tt cal and Surveyors 'Instruments at tbe low i A Stereoscopes and I Views' Of the Psbile Bulldlngsof Washington Ina great variety at ic A ft CO 'OpttcIlHR 3 rr ATubetHth'and i I yR0RvKrD Allen Vj Reed both of WnihinMtpn' Nv I AaU the Ladles Melds suit they Will tell you that Vitali or (talvttloa for fontJInt BrUe' Clesr ffuldjire whatewZ te ils water undlsoornMn by ltglll wul0 mineral odor and yielding no sediment 1 b1aX competition shd courts conipsrlson Orleans whiskey is I sins tit does elsewhere5A bridal I pair I BlltfhtoWmtreredl suss I ZLmrerewa jwasva lure rere tattoos a 1 ui a bmb uoau bbulhiuwit cnn re and I cent fine and one imprisonment! if 1 I frontier Bqt what can be expected of an Aaministxation whose chief solicitude it SMEis 'to be to seek the pleasure of its own1 meanbers manipulate the gold market and carry elections the 'and 13th rts Il hempler rertlng In South America a miMlontry' discovered tafe ind imni fctnedy for tbe Cure of Xervotu 'WeekneiA Vtcy itseaea of the Urtaary aad Seaiaal Ot tralJKof disorder brought Md habiu Great am tcured by this noble remedy Prompted by a detiro to beaeflt the afflicted and unfortunate I will send tbe recipe for prenarinff and nilnr this medicine tn a eeaUd to seeds it sti or aaaaeB Address JOSEPH INMAX Diatipn 1 Bible House i new xorauity i ween Sixth end Seventh Also dealer tariut? Wl rl rerem1 a via I i V1 vuhs mOCSS aad Balia done in the best manner at short notice" i i i 5jgp CARPET CURTAINS I STOCKl Over rrry A rotis My Nltilh street and I'can eve i BEBSOYAL Dr Hall's polar bear skin brou jbt $21 at suction Jefferson Davis is sojourning tempore tfiy at Hernando Mississippi tBoucicault has made £10000 from "or London '4 Mosby is engagedin tbe tobacco trade at Lyhchburgf Kate isher is doing ti Mfizsppi" at New Hven i Aqjpa Dickinson was tenty soven years old on the 28th ft" 'ft groomsman has dis appeared from New York society Abdul Asia will sot his table with 900000 ifranoa worth of plate for Bob Lincoln rent Bishop Simpson tiaoghtor a silver mustard pot 't Batnum lias sold bis Bridgeport place to ex Oonsul Morri Madame Bishop will settle in' Nw York and lead a church choir there Madame Batazsi pays 80000 francs rent in Paris and keeps twelve servants Mrs lorence lost $8000 worth of good clothes on her way to California Professor Liebig has lost much of his fortune lately by injudicious speculations Head Centre Stephens is teaobing'EngJ Hah in Paris te cents an hour bA bust of GeOrge Peabody is to be placed In the Vatican I Captain Johnson of St Johns New Brunswick died recently with $250000 insurance on his llfe Dr A Brodie an aged and promi nent citizen of Nashville Thun died last week supposed loanee the Dao' de Masson has tinarried his cousin the Mar chesa Maffeo Ex Governor Henry 3 oote speaks of returning to Mississippi and making Aber deen his home Gen Wade Hampton and Alli are getting up a Military Institute I at Charlotte 1 1 It ia estimated that them aro over three thousand men employed in quarrying white marble in Vermont' Bev Tbpmaa Noble an English clergy man is only au inch taller than Thomas Thumb i The Duke'of' Newcastlo is Booking to escape bankruptcy by pleading his privil eges as a peer Seward's presents from California are A gold cigar case a cane and a pair Ct sleeve buttons 5 Beecher wants tho Chinamen to rote "pigtail and which is a queuc rious way of expressing ir At her receptiomin Constantinople Eu genie wore a yellow and lilac dress a yel low plumed hatand a Wack lacs mam ilia Mahlon Dickenson's library and corres pondence are said to be rotting in ths loft of a Jersey barn I Stereoscopic copies of the post mortem cast of faco have appeared in London A rench antiquary says that the irst Emperor of rance wxa christened Na bullion Mcnu*tt Mississippi announces that It has "an attorney at law who is now an 1 Paul Spofford of tho lirm of Spofford Tileston Co one of the oldest mer chanta of New York died last' week Wade Hamotep ani lUH Hill are nt gptlataig for the purchase of the buildings of the Military Institute at CbarlM Oft 1 The English Princess' Royal of Prussi charged tho hea of a regiment of cav alry in a sham fight at Stargard acd the troops have given her a "sword of Mr Goozjyfi frif'lrrtrt he writes the whole of jm Qiauiel Webster renorts of his inability from age infirmity tothe contrary notwithstanding Moth6r Rickerdyke the famous hospi i AMMa Va 1 avwuu uu auu uuuies in tai Kansas for forty in war cripples of Boston Wagner introduced ei the representation of his Munich but even this extraordiuafti at traction I failed of its effect after throe nights Wm Leech the hesdiof the firm of Leech Co (agents of tho Pennsylva nia railroad) died in Philadelphia on Sat urday leaving a fortune of a million of dollars ft Assistant Adjutant General Elliot of South Carolina who is a negro liecamo jealous of the attentions of the I white private secretary and cowhided I him for Mrs lake Hon Nathaniel Niles for many years United States Consul nt Paris and Special Envoy at Berlin and Vienna is lying at I the point of death at his residence in New I York city I Mr George Peabcdy has ordered the I construction of a pureily private edlfice a tomb for himself in Harmony Grove I Cemetery Salem Mass He is building a huge sarcophagus of Quincy granite and proposes to be buried there with hiabrolh taet mslsrfou vapor rrek motet earth very twenty four here 4rt lhe Sth? Tl''' fere tetheaetive tirincipla whieli beget' foyer Zni fiuo billion remittent Jlldlft rtfieiu terr blliiou cholfo rhMNttlw other a ImenwMcb prevail more Xnrlly In the fell than lai other aeaaan and' tenia which in lowJawftnpy region anl new Hear Ins take the form of virulent epldejnioe tha beet gafrgnards agtinat tiieo eumpiajute al cvldeoeud by the experience of lOitg'MriM of till fit fhs ibffiayt I I vw a ihiw lMv Iwt fii I fif all iairAtAitA kMitota i ntto 1 I vx vwoe I gsvi HlYlffQria tlono the iem I mxnifvtuy tho teat mean of tefnllag 11 asaint tho oauaaa of aioknecii whether eontljtaiionat or eaanai Nature arere pitholozltknow i th moatdetermlnad enemy of dl Mmsoii and th tiavikweveto er arojiamott an cm the eoiuw I O'ltfice of tha uforu fao niakM to conquer the I bbJret iherhfofe vf preventive I treat meet te tq reiafuroa theeytetn and it 1 aocompllehed thoroughly rapidly and aahly by ithe me of HdSTETTEB'h B1TTXR8 Thia Ipowerfui loulo contain ateo nri aparlent and I corrective principle it te so Ire valuable a regulator and purifier than an Invigarant and there le no danger of exciting tho brain or over atlmulaung the circulation by employ lag it ly an antidote ww 1 i I XloadAlit CarVun clog Eruptions lffiplQS Ott fee 8al 1 vonpiexion Goner 1 Jebmtr are bronght abput by an impure state of tbe blood Uotadalh ha boon found to be a perma nent cure for tide ate of diaeaeex lt mould men until mi tne morbid matter 1 carried out of the ayatem and tbe blood ta changed from it vitiated cangltlou to lta healthy and normal elate IVIaaafo and effectual never produces tbe allgbteattnjfry contains no mercury or other poisonous minanal If you are suffering with any ot thi'te abnormal condition of system try a blttot if Vfiis have a friend In a similar condi tion send him bottje and he will thank you Aik your drugglatfor it nanfoljr We have inat Mtn the extensive wholesale retail stere ef Messrs Bnowxi'xa A Middlxtox some of the finest Bugar cured we ever saw Their i general assortment of ine amily Groeertes are unequalled In the eltV end are sold at the low est prices Teai Wlna and superior Liquors Bpcqiaity janu as regards quality prices Ac cannot Unexcelled Id tbb city Save money by calling ai' tbs old stand IWo a Pennsylvania avenue opposlt etropblltan Hotel 'fi to the ton i pounds roneh Yard ANT otS 4th' Lorberry Lykenla Val UP monArch once offered large reward for something new to amuse hhn and quickly obtained the object' of bis wishes Will not some one help our hard working Pres ident in the same manner must be done gretls ho wever a Grant believes it is tnpreblessod to receive thaq to give Anything therefore in the shape of a new sensation will be gratefully received at i th White House 4 'I ft" Eexti eleoUons will' occur the in Texas and Mississippi bn Adoittlng the I naw State constitutions and far officers under them The total wwuou in suMissippi is 139937 bf whom fi917B fife white nnd 80761 colored There Were 76016 votes cast at the conventionlection of which 63822 were colored and were for the convention Tn Texas UO VVbCJ ounwenHnn 30896 maiori tv in ire but several counties ate not included inths rstarn I i i I 1 'T: 1 HUES" foj A "TV ATBE rWflAANTEDjftM JBeluVlilV year ata reason interest 8eeurlly flrxt claiAddr Lock l3X No host office o' 'hMI ft Uft ft ftftft ftftft ft 'ftftft ft it 'I ft ft fflk i 1 li ft! I IlMfl iK SB Im si mil I i I i Wft ftf ft ItrO Wil Ii i'l II I ft II I ft Bsh*tJ I' Hi Lift ft hi Jilt Iffi hL! Jar Angles wnetner ifeir I 1 i 1 I I I ft 1 ft ffiil fill fill: i' a IB i i tfpftfli If 1 RW I Iff fej 'rp I main chin i msp bikers fei I i i Ilci jihft! kJ Im? i bl I iti 4ft i i I i 1 4 i 1 Iltl I ft Mi ft rfi TH negro at the pells in the nubll 1 I jj I i 5 iMi ibTkja Sr ftr 4 If fci 'i the churches among' the whites 1 i I i brimr thls tabont and thev exn b41 i'1 i 1 I ft I IB I i i tlh i Hi fts 1 4 4 i I i Ii WLj ll 1 lEUDOn thAvA lw Til in a 1 1 il i iTrltfr' Lt ill if ii I1 1: i I I'M SUHS 1 ft (i! I'i Hi ft i I ft I1 I ft it i i i I iiv I ft 1 1 Mr i "ft hi ft i Hi Bln) ftlaih SHmhT 31 a I 4 'M Mill lsM iO3 wpmsnt lcr Hli I Ij 6fTtdfaaI poBadans'aro jpfcwed 4 If to at ih tan mSwT IK ftftX Jr! I I ti ft I I I4 taU 1J 'If '1 1 i i ift re XmftJX i.

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


Why is DC called the District of Columbia? ›

The new federal territory was named District of Columbia to honour explorer Christopher Columbus, and the new federal city was named for George Washington.

What is the difference between Washington and Washington DC? ›

Washington is a state in the Pacific Northwest. Washington, DC is a city in the District of Colombia, and is the nation's capital. Typically, most Americans I know say “Washington State” when referring to the state, and “Washington” or “Washington, DC” when referring to the seat of government.

Is Washington, D.C. owned by Columbia? ›

Congress passed the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1801, which officially organized the district and placed the entire territory under the exclusive control of the federal government.

Is Washington, D.C. in Maryland or Virginia? ›

Washington, D.C. is a territory and not a state, nor is it part of any U.S. state.

Why is District of Columbia not a state? ›

Washington, DC, isn't a state; it's a district. DC stands for District of Columbia. Its creation comes directly from the US Constitution, which provides that the district, "not exceeding 10 Miles square," would "become the Seat of the Government of the United States."

Why did DC give land back to Virginia? ›

In 1847, the portion of the city that had originally belonged to Virginia was retroceded, after the voters of Alexandria elected to leave DC, feeling that they had been left out of development on the other side of the river.

How old is the state of Washington? ›

Washington became the forty-second state of the United States of America on November 11, 1889.

Why does Washington State and Washington, D.C. have the same name? ›

Congress agreed to grant the settlers independence from Oregon, but named their new state Washington to honor the first president. Contemporary statesmen would have argued that Washington, D.C., was a city, not a territory or state, so the duplication of the name wouldn't be such a big deal.

How far is Seattle from Washington, D.C. by plane? ›

The shortest distance (air line) between Seattle and Washington, D.c. is 2,168.95 mi (3,490.59 km).

What is the 51st state in the USA? ›

Puerto Rico is designated in its constitution as the "Commonwealth of Puerto Rico". The Constitution of Puerto Rico, which became effective in 1952, adopted the name of Estado Libre Asociado (literally translated as "Free Associated State"), officially translated into English as Commonwealth, for its body politic.

Who owns most of Washington DC? ›

Answer and Explanation: The federal government own Washington DC. Under Article I Section 8 Clause 17, the seat of the national government is under the purview of the Congress. Today, the majority of the city is owned by the federal government with foreign governments owning their embassies and consulates.

What city is not part of any state? ›

What is the only city in the United States that is not in a state? The City of Washington is located in the District of Columbia, which isn't a state. The Caribbean territory of Puerto Rico has 78 municipalities, the largest of which is the capital, San Juan. Puerto Rico isn't a state.

Why do they call it the District of Columbia? ›

The name Columbia was apparently in reference to Christopher Columbus and was also used as a reference to the original 13 colonies and to the United States during the days of the American Revolution. The president then hired an architect and engineer to start laying out the new capital city.

What is the closest city to Washington DC? ›

Because it's the nearest city to Washington DC, Arlington is noticeably connected to the cultural and historical significance of DC and the DMV metro.

Is DC considered the south? ›

One of the largest issues is how we define “Southern” and what do we do with these labels. Historically speaking, any state below the Mason-Didion line and west of Mississippi would be considered The South, which Maryland and Washington, D.C. are.

What state is the White House in? ›

The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. The Washington Monument, the Capitol Building, the Jefferson Memorial, the Pentagon, and the Lincoln Memorial are also in the Washington, D.C. area.

How did Washington state get its name? ›

WASHINGTON: May be said to have a truly American name - named for George Washington, "The Father of our Country." When the bill creating the Territory of Columbia was introduced in the 32nd Congress, the name was changed to Washington because of the existence of the District of Columbia.

Why was DC chosen as the capital? ›

Washington was established as the capital of the United States as the result of a compromise following seven years of negotiation by members of the U.S. Congress as they tried to define the concept of a “federal enclave.” On July 17, 1790, Congress passed the Residence Act, which created a permanent seat for the ...

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.